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An accounting firm can do more for your business than simply filling your taxes and creating financial statements. They offer an array of services that include also tax planning, financial consulting, business valuation and advice for growing your business and cutting costs.In an environment in which one accounting firm looks much like the next, our commitment to service and individual attention sets us apart. COMPLET CONSULT ITALIA provides highly personalized and comprehensive accounting and payroll services to our clients in an efficient timely manner. Our objectives are achieved by establishing a personalized service for our clients, adapting to the individual needs and requirements of every type of company. Our team can provide the following services:
› Complete general bookkeeping for all kind of companies; › Stocks and assets evidence; › Financial and management accounting; › Preparing financial reports, according to each client's requirements and the Romanian legislation; › Preparing financial reports according to GAAP and IAS international standards (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow); › Preparing the balance sheet, statements for taxation and imposts, employees' fiscal records; › Preparing the income and expenses budget; › Analysis of accounting reports; › Professional assistance provided to the taxpayer during fiscal auditing.
© Copyright 2025 S.C. Complet Consult Italia S..R.L. - Timisoara, Strada Patriarh Miron Cristea, Nr. 13, Et. 1 - C.U.I. : 17653292 - Nr. O.R.C. : J35/1879/2005 - Capital Social : 36.200 RON Sitemap | Privacy | Website created by